Posted by Editor: FDBobko
January 14, 2021
Gail Evenari
Wayfinders - A Pacific Odyssey
Article by Susan Kealey
Photos by Dianne Bobko
Mary and Joe introduced our speaker, Gail Evenari.  Gail has worked in the fields of education and media for over four decades. Her background in educational research led to making films about indigenous cultures for public television. She focuses on programs "that deepen understanding of different ways to live in the world, empower indigenous communities to share important cultural and environmental issues, and foster the growth of compassionate, informed and engaged global citizens."  Gail lives with her daughter and dog. She’s a member of the HMB Film Society, accomplished swimmer and cyclist. She lives in a former schoolhouse in Higgins Canyon. 

Gail started by telling us she would like to learn more about us!  I’m sure she’ll get an earful ;-). She has worked as a teacher, educator and textbook writer. During the renaissance of voyaging, she was able to get out on the water during practice sessions and was eventually invited to join a voyage from Tonga to Samoa.


Among the challenges of being the only woman and vegetarian on board, peeing—over the side without a curtain—was the worst. During one of their stops, she asked a woman on shore if she could use her toilet, turns out the woman was from the Coastside and friends with Joe and his wife, Jan. During the voyage they used no navigational tools. Her film, Wayfinders, tells the story of the voyage.  Jan helped make the film. Gail shared a 10 minute clip from the movie, a mixture of live shots and old pictures. We could see the connection between the islands, 74 of them, by the shared language and culture. They followed Captain Cook’s travels in the area and his discoveries. She also spoke about the Kon Tiki voyage where modern day Polynesians set out to prove their ancestors had made these voyages. 

Q. Why did they leave Southeast Asia?  It could have been due to famine or drought, but it came down to adventure. She pointed out that these people live in an ocean-based world. The ocean is their highway. They were the first ones to leave shore, before the Europeans. Their philosophy is “ you bring the island to the canoe”. 

Q. Why did the Hawaiians kill Captain Cook?  They had overstayed their welcome, the rumor is someone took a boat...  They buried him like a king. He respected them, he learned their language and customs. 

Q. The face paintings, what is that about?  Those are Maori from New Zealand (they’re actually tattoos). The Maori and the most warlike.  A Hakka is like a hula and is used as a greeting. The Maori were the least welcoming which was better for them as they were subject to less disease and harm. 

Q. Maiden Voyage, what now?  Gail’s current project is “Worldwise” to introduce younger kids to the other ways to be in the world. She is using virtual reality to build empathy. She teaches global competence by introducing kids to other cultures. It is a combination of virtual reality and curriculum. She is getting three programs ready to sell to an educational published. 

Q. Is this like Oculus goggles?  Yes, in the future we will see VR carts. They are being used a lot in science education now. She was inspired by the xenophobia after 911 and having adopted daughter of a different ethnicity. 

Q. How long was your voyage?  Two weeks, we were island hopping. She ate hardtack and peanut butter, the rest of the crew ate canned food. The voyage changed her life. 

Here are some links to Gail’s work:




Club Meeting - January 14, 2021 
Pledge of Allegiance and Inspiration Thoughtt: Liz led us in the Pledge and also led us in a resounding sing-a-long of God Bless America

Happy/Crappy News smiley/crying 

Catherine joined us from Spain. It was good to see Renee back with us. Our newest member, Sean joined us and our soon-to-be newest member Michelle Carey, also joined us. 

Catherine is helping to start a passport club in Florida, an online club. She promises to visit when she can. 

Ginger was with us from Michigan. She’s visiting her sister who is ill. 

EJ spied Joe at the "bloodsuckers event." as he called it.  EJ is replenishing with a regimen of red wine. He will be playing music tonight with his band. 


New Member Induction


Ginger inducted Michelle Carey into the club. Renee is her sponsor. Michelle is a graduate of Santa Clara University and Norte Dame University in Belmont. She taught for several years and is now working at Compass Realty. 


Rose undated us on our Community Services projects.  She reports that Mary has been a busy shopper. She’s been shopping for our Coastside Hope project. This month’s supplies have been ordered. Renee will order next month. ED will help with transport. Mary would like to add personal items like travel size toiletries, let her know if you have some to add. 

Relay for Life is gearing up, more info to follow. We are looking for a Captain. 

Rose complimented Ginger on the good job she is doing with the Abundant Grace lunches. 

Marble Draw - Diane drew a green one 😢 The pot grows and there are not many marbles left!

Buy marble tickets and feed the pig!  Mary sends an email with the link prior to each meeting.