Posted by Editor: FDBobko
December 15, 2022 
Annual "State of the Club" Meeting 
Article by Susan Kealey
Photos by EJ Dieterle
President Krystlyn announced that the annual Past Presidents’ Meeting was held. Irwin volunteered to be President-elect and was unanimously nominated. Many Past Presidents agreed to hold positions, most starting in January. 

There was a discussion about the increased workload, RI emails and paperwork. This is not just a HMB issue, now there are more regulations, more activities, more paperwork. There is also an immense amount of communication now as opposed to the past. We could also use help with onboarding new members.  This was a common complaint at PETs. A recommendation was made that the club hire an admin to assist Presidents. We already have a bookkeeper contractor. We estimate around 5-6 hours a week to 20 hours a month. 

PE Liz reminded us that Irwin who will be our new PE starting in July 2023 was President in 93-94.  She announced the incoming Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs for her second time as President (2023-24) starting July 2023 - a copy of the list is attached. She reminded us  that Rotary is asking us a lot for each area of service.

She also reported on our Community Service updates:

  • Adopt a family, Barb and Renee completed our list. They had a good time, even though Barb hates to shop. 
  • Mary - Coastside Hope—Stacy, Doug, Joe all help—3rd Thursday of month at Mary’s. $4,700 grant should last through year end. Email reminder to come. 
  • Mitone, beach cleanup, next one will be New Year’s Day. 
  • PR -  Liz posts to FB, Dianne covers the website. 
  • P-Fest, was a success and good visibility
  • Grant for Journalling, Barbara. May be able to do program for us. 

Mary - The Treasurer’s Report—October to date financials. Mary started with a bit of history, in 2019/2020, we were in bad shape and running at a deficit. Mitone, Dianne and Ed reworked our dues structure and the dues went to $50 and covered District activities. We experienced a great turnaround and we’re in good shape by 2020. Due to COVID, we stopped spending, but we also didn’t do P-Fest. Members opened their wallets to cover some projects. Note that the Little Library account has $700 to spend by April. We need find a way to fund the small donations fund. 

Treasurer’s Report attached:

Liz standing for Dianne to report on Rotary Club of HMB Foundation - Robin Jeffs left us $20,000.  The Foundation Investment Committee has met twice to discuss the process for setting up a Robin Jeffs Award.  The money will be kept in a separate account and designated for a specific cause in the Coastside Community in his and our Rotary Club Foundation’s name.  Dianne has discussed and met with Catherine and Freda regarding general parameters they had regarding it. At this point the committee is planned to develop a process for identifying the specific community project that it will recommend to the Foundation Board for implementation after the first of the year. The intention is to be sure all of the Club is fully informed and on board with the final plan.

Dianne has communicated to Freda that we would like her to come to a meeting at some point after the project has been identified so we can express our gratitude for Robin’s generous donation.

Foundation Financial Report, - We have a $104,677 balance in the Investment Fund as of today. We had $25.770 in the Foundation General Account and $20,000 in the newly established Robin Jeffs Fund. 

We have commitments to meet annually that are identified in the Foundation's Chart of Accounts. In addition the Library payment due of $15,000 was due in August. The total remaining due is $45,00. $175,000 was the original amount. Foundation Financial Report attached.  We need a plan for Magic for this year to be able to continue to fund the Foundation annual commitments (Chart of Accounts which includes making additional funds available investment in our Schwab Account). 

Ginger - Membership—how to propose new members (flyer attached). Have membership on your mind. It’s fun to bring in a couple of new members at a time as they can buddy-up The membership committee is all of us. Bring someone to a meeting, we’re working on programs. 

Joe - Joe relayed the the difficulty of getting someone to serve as President—akin to snipe hunting, and Irwin volunteered!  The Abundant Grace Breakfast program at Lutheran Church is on again. Once a month, we need volunteers. This could constitute a meeting per Krystlyn. Joe will follow up. 

Mitone, our 25-26, District Governor nominee!  Mitone wanted to promote the March 25 District Conference to be held in Larkspur. It is good for all of us to attend and is a great way to meet other clubs’ members and share info. 

Marble Game -  coolsadwink

Barb pulled a green marble. 

Happy/Crappy News yescrying 

Stacy was on Zoom and mentioned that she has COVID. 

Coming Soon

Next Thursday, we will meet at the Oddfellows Lodge for our traditional Christmas fete at

noon. The menu will include salad, pasta and meatballs; there will be a vegetarian option. Liz volunteered to made dessert.
December 22nd and 29th will be dark for the Holidays.

Our first meeting in 2023 will be January 5th at the Library.